Ban on Spraying Glyphosate (Roundup™) on Municipal Properties in the Village

In September 2021, the Rhinebeck Village Board passed a resolution banning the spraying of Glyphosate (Roundup™) on municipal properties. This herbicide/pesticide has been linked to cancer in humans and can disrupt the balance of our ecology by harming birds, insects, and plants. The resolution further states that only certified personnel or trained contractors may handle controlled chemicals on municipal property. See also, NY State’s Assembly Bill A732B, which “prohibits the use of glyphosate on state property.”

The ban came about because our Highway Department used a sample of an organic herbicide along the railing at Lions Mini Park and along the roadside on the way to Legions Park without placing flags to notify the public. Concerned citizens worried it was Roundup™, and contacted the Village. Unfortunately, the label for the organic product had been thrown away. The citizens then reported the Village to the DEC, which resulted in the Village being issued a warning (see details). We want to reassure the public that the Highway Department does not spray Roundup™ and per our new policy will be weed-whacking instead of spraying anything.

Please Refrain from Spraying Glyphosate (Roundup™) on Your Property

While the Village Board’s resolution does not regulate the use of these chemicals on your property, we encourage businesses and residents to refrain from spraying glyphosate products on private property. We want you and our environment to be healthy and safe. We have created this PDF public service announcement, and paper copies of the flyer are available at Village Hall. You can also find info about this topic on the Tree Commission’s page, where we share information on caring for street trees and yards.


Planning Board Meeting Agenda


Halloween Parade Road Closure