Special Board of Trustees Hybrid Meeting 6/27/23

This will be a hybrid meeting; you can attend in person at the Village Hall or virtually via Microsoft Teams Click here to join the meeting . Trustee Bertozzi will be attending virtually from 157 Beach Ave, Hull, MA.

The Village Board, after thinking about this and working with various members of the community (YOU) for the past two years since the Federal government expanded the district, is finally bringing our solution to a vote tomorrow, Tuesday, June 27 at 6pm in Village Hall.

 We opened the public hearing at our last meeting on June 13. Given that we had no comments that substantively impacted our draft legislation, we have finalized the drafts and expect to continue and close the public hearing next week and then take a vote.

To remind, the questions that the board needs to answer are:

·      What is the date cut-off for a building to be considered a “contributing” member of the district, and thus subject to historic demolition laws (Chap 64); and

·      What neighborhoods do we consider historic and thus subject to planning board review under 120-39?

By the nature of the laws, the date question is much more granular (specific buildings that we want to make sure go through a heightened review process before they are significantly changed or torn down) and the boundary question is bigger picture (what neighborhoods do we want to have heightened scrutiny over for continuity of style). The solution that we have presented for discussion and a vote is two-fold: 

·      What is the date cut-off for a building to be considered a “contributing” member of the district, and thus subject to historic demolition laws (Chap 64)? 1945

    • (And yes, our historic demolition laws also apply to all National Register individually listed historic sites or local landmarks no matter their date of construction)

·      What neighborhoods do we consider historic and thus subject to planning board review under 120-39? All of the neighborhoods/parcels identified and captured in the state/federal district as well as any outlying National Register individually listed historic sites inside the boundaries of the Village

Thank you all for your patience and understanding and time as I’ve learned the ins and outs of the state/federal district and our Historic District Overlay, and we all have worked together to generate what I believe is an appropriate solution moving forward.

Trustee Lydia Slaby

All of the information can be found on the cloud, here: Historic District Overlay


Wastewater Operator/Trainee Open Position


Special Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda