National Bike Safety Month

May is National Bike month with Friday May 20th Bike to Work Day (National Bike Month | League of American Bicyclists). All of us have a shared desire for Rhinebeck to be a more bike friendly community. Individually and in groups there are more people on bikes enjoying our area and using the Village of Rhinebeck as a hub. As a result Rhinebeck is an attractive cycling destination for visitors, which is good for tourism and the business community. This is especially true now with the opening of the Empire State Trail that runs so close to the village.

And good news for cyclists: The NYS Senate recently enacted a Crash Victim Rights & Safety Act Crash Victim Rights & Safety Act — Transportation Alternatives that is requiring motorists to maintain a three-foot distance when passing bikers. The bill is still in the Assembly Transportation Committee.

Some of the benefits of commuting to work by bicycle include:

●     Physical fitness – Cyclists get an aerobic workout before and after work. It’s also low impact exercise that is easy on the joints, unlike jogging.

●     Fuel savings – They save fuel costs, which puts more money back in their pockets.

●     Smaller carbon footprint – By cycling, they reduce carbon emissions resulting in cleaner air.

●     Automobile longevity – Get more life out of their motor vehicle by using it for more necessary trips.

Some of the benefits of commuting to work by bicycle include:

●     Physical fitness – Cyclists get an aerobic workout before and after work. It’s also low impact exercise that is easy on the joints, unlike jogging.

●     Fuel savings – They save fuel costs, which puts more money back in their pockets.

●     Smaller carbon footprint – By cycling, they reduce carbon emissions resulting in cleaner air.

●     Automobile longevity – Get more life out of their motor vehicle by using it for more necessary trips.


Mayor Gary Bassett


Outdoor Dining Public Forum & Board of Trustees Special Meeting Agenda


Peace Officers Memorial Day and Police Week