Village Thanks Top Photographers for Their Contributions to the NRI

At the June Board Meeting, we thanked 40 members of our community who submitted their photographs to the Natural Resources Inventory project. In particular, four photographers were voted in as favorites by the public: Will LaBossier, Glenn Hirshon, Bill Peckmann, and Avery Gilbert. We also recognized George Beckwith, whose photograph was selected as a cover for the NRI report. Christopher Tavener (member of the ZBA who helped with the year-long NRI project) presented nature photography books, curated by Oblong, as a thank you. (Trustee Bertozzi, home with COVID, attended virtually.)

The photography submitted to our Call for Photos for our Natural Resources Inventory captured the unique beauty of where we live. We recognized these individuals at the Board Meeting because their photos resonated with the public. We are so grateful for their participation in making our NRI more special and visually engaging. We’re honored to include their photography and those of dozens of our neighbors. 

The NRI is publicly accessible for the public to view on and the top photos are showcased there. We encourage everyone to have a look and to always remain visually attuned to nature in our midst:


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Planning Board Agenda: Virtual Meeting 6/21/22